The Chicago CDC itself verified four cases of measles in one migrant shelter over several days. These people infected were mainly school-aged kids.

US spring forward phenomena lead children to change sleeping patterns, requiring parents to use sleeping supplements for themselves as well as for their children.

Researchers attest nowadays that some kids with HIV regressed the disease in infancy; this has been found in cases when the neonate started receiving strong drugs within hours after delivery.

FDA investigated products for the presence of lead and eliminated 6 of them as they are linked to around 500 poisoning cases, especially among younger kids.

The mother transfers antibodies to infants not older than six months through breastfeeding to gain immunity against COVID-19.

This fall's updated flu vaccine is containing only three flu strains is expected; Yamagata strain will be elimiated in the updated vaccine.

A recent outbreak of measles cases among American citizens has triggered the need to seek the vaccination status of everyone from their healthcare providers as the paramount health experts warn against the continuous spread of the disease.

CVC and Walgreens received certification to produce Mifepristone drug used for medication abortions in limited states.

The flu has hit Tennessee hard, with five pediatric deaths reported, exceeding last season's toll, prompting concern from health authorities.