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Central Ohio sees a surge in pollen levels due to an early warm spring, exacerbating allergy symptoms, with high levels anticipated through April and May.

Study suggests mandating HPV vaccination for school entry could reverse declining vaccination rates and reduce cervical cancer cases.

CNM-Au8, an experimental gold nanocrystal liquid, shows promise in improving MS symptoms by boosting cellular energy and restoring neurological functions.

USDA has issued a final rule to eradicate salmonella in breaded, stuffed raw chicken products, classifying it as an 'adulterant' above a certain level, the rule would be implemented from 2025.

Children with ADHD showed no significant increase in risk when opioids were prescribed during pregnancy by a doctor, recent research revealed.

Sleep deprivation, affecting 30% of US adults, may lead to metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.