Not less than eighty percent of US adults, along with sixty percent of adolescents in the US are on the verge of obesity-related health risks, which is a major jump since 1990. This would put pressure on health stats as ...

Health officials have confirmed several cases of rare pneumonia linked to infected water sources. The disease has a higher impact on older adults and those with weakened immune systems, is spreading and being investigated by authorities. ...

United States: Inflammation is a good sign that something is wrong, however, when this inflammation is chronic people get set up for lots of health problems.  No matter if it is a red, swollen toe from stubbing it or a ...

United States: Experts are warning against the arrival of a new kind of virus, first discovered in China and spread to humans via tick bites.  The virus appears to have the potential to cause problems related to the brain.  More ...

United States: Vaccines to address the rising mpox cases across the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries might not be available in the central African nation for many more months, even as the WHO weighs an invocation of the ...

United States: Eating foods with erythritol, a synthetic sweetener often added to keto foods, puts one at risk of a heart attack and stroke, Cleveland Clinic research reveals.  More about the news  Professionals said on Thursday that erythritol increases the ...

United States: With the onset of the summer, COVID-19 cases have started to kick off among Americans.  As the cases had increased steadily, by waves, during the winter, people were most of the time indoors.  More about the news  The ...

United States: Water utilities and chemical manufacturers have recently disputed a rule set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding specific PFAS, which outlines certain constraints on the PFAS found in drinking water.  More about the news  Three of the ...

United States: This global phenomenon that might provide a sustainable solution to increasing obesity problem and may even cut down the future demand for ResMed’s continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy used in sleep apnea, GLP-1 drugs fall among the ...

United States: The Danish company Novo Nordisk opened a new tab for Wegovy, a popular obesity medication, indicating that women with a particular type of heart disease lost more weight than men with the same pathology based on applied analysis ...